This request form is meant for students requesting accommodations for the first time at Whitman College. If you have already been processed for accommodations at Whitman and are requesting additional accommodations, please log-in to the Accommodate student portal and complete a supplemental request.
Please complete the form below to the best of your ability, answering as completely as possible. If you have any questions, please email
Is there anything else you would like us to know about you that will help in determining appropriate accommodations and anticipating your various needs on campus?
Documentation is required prior to approval of accommodations. Please select where you are in the documentation status.
If you have questions about documentation, please review Documentation Guidelines.
If you have any supporting documentation that will aid staff in processing your request, please upload that here.
You may also bring a copy of your documentation to our initial meeting, or have it sent directly by your physician, mental health professional, educational psychologist, or other diagnosing individual.
I acknowledge my understanding of the following next steps when requesting accommodations due to a disability:
1. If I have not already, I will upload appropriate documentation demonstrating a relationship between my disability and the requested accommodation(s).
2. After providing documentation, I will schedule an intake meeting with DSS/ARC staff. Possible accommodations will be discussed during this interactive process.
3. When reasonable accommodations are agreed upon, letters of accommodations will be prepared for the student to send to faculty members.